from Wisconsin Ag Connection:
Planning is already underway for Wisconsin Corn/Soy EXPO educational sessions and trade show scheduled for January 24-25, 2008 at the Kalahari Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells. Keynote addresses will be given by John Phipps, host of America's longest-running farm TV show U.S. Farm Report and Elwynn Taylor, agricultural meteorologist from Iowa State University. A special afternoon informational session on nitrogen management is planned with Ken Ferrie, Farm Journal field agronomist.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
John Phipps Will Keynote 2008 Corn/Soy Expo
Friday, October 26, 2007
Governor Doyle Signs Budget
UPDATE: Biodiesel Tax Credits; Grant for Soybean Crush Included
MADISON - The passage of the Wisconsin 2007-09 state budget brings with it a $22 million renewable energy package that goes a long way toward making Wisconsin competitive in the area of biodiesel fuels. The Wisconsin Soybean Association, the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association and Landmark Services Cooperative today applauded the Governor and the Legislature for their support of these measures in the budget and their commitment to renewable energy in Wisconsin.
Read Press Release Here>>
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Evansville Celebrates the Soybean!
Reported by Jeff Pieterick
Photo Caption: WSMB Exec. Director Bob Karls (left) and WBA President Jeff Pieterick with "Soyer T. Bean," Mascot of the Evansville Soybean Festival.
Evansville hosted its first "Soybean Festival" on Saturday to celebrate its heritage at the center of soybean production in Wisconsin. The event was a culmination of week-long activities that explored the importance of soybean production in Wisconsin, beginning with a ceremony proclaiming Evansville the "Soybean Capital of Wisconsin." This proclamation was sponsored in the State Legislature by Rep. Brett Davis and Senator Jon Erpenbach, both of whom were on hand for the kick-off along with Ag Secretary Rod Nilsestuen and other dignitaries.
The festival on Saturday featured a Taste of Soy buffet and other displays promoting the many impacts of the soybean in our daily life. It also emphasized soy oil as a feedstock for renewable biodiesel and the economic impact this industry will have on the Evansville community. The highlight of the event was most certainly the performance of the Evansville First Graders singing original songs about the history of Evansville and the important role soybeans have played in its past and its future development as a community.
The Wisconsin Biodiesel Association is proud to have joined with the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board and others in sponsoring this well-attended and well-organized event. Over 500 visitors joined this celebration, and the cooperation of the school district in incorporating soybeans into the curricula throughout the week as part of this event made it a very special celebration, indeed! Our congratulations go out to event organizer Marsha Dobbs and all the many volunteers who helped make this a very special celebration. We look forward to many future "Evansville Soybean Festivals" in the years to come.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Evansville Soybean Festival This Saturday
The Soybean Festival culminates October 20 with a day of free festivities, food, facility tours and fun for visitors of all ages. Based at Evansville high school from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., events include business displays, a wide variety of free soybean food samples, the soybean cook-off, a professional cooking demonstration, appearance by Wisconsin's Alice In Dairyland Jill Makovec, along with a live remote broadcast by WJVL Radio. A miniature soybean farm and train will be on display along with full-sized farming equipment from nearby John Deere and Case dealerships.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Dairy Policy Summit in Madison to look at "Balancing Energy & Food Production"
from Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin media release:
The Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin will convene a Dairy Policy Summit to discuss “Balancing Energy and Food Production.”
This event will be held Oct. 30-31, 2007 at Madison Marriott West in Middleton, Wis. PDPW Dairy Policy Summit will address current business and industry issues, exchange ideas and seek solutions for today’s dairy and energy industries.
One highlight will be Governor Jim Doyle, as he will discuss the future of the Wisconsin economy. Multiple dignitaries, leaders and experts will also present at the Summit, including UW CALS Dean Molly Jahn; Secretary of the Department of Work Force Development Roberta Gassman; Secretary of DATCP Rod Nilsestuen; Director of Energy Independence Judy Ziewacz and Representative Al Ott, to name a few.
In addition, attendees will tour Rosy-Lane Holsteins, owned by Lloyd & Daphne Holterman and Tim Strobel and the soon-to-open Renew Energy in Jefferson, Wisconsin.
To learn more, check out the Dairy Policy Summit flyer with complete details.
Click here to register online today, or call 800-947-7379 with questions.
Monday, October 15, 2007
NBB Issues a Legislative Action Alert!
Your help is needed! The following legislative action alert was issued by the National Biodiesel Board (NBB):
The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) and the national biodiesel industry need your assistance in contacting your U.S. Representative in support of H.R. 3781, and both of your Senators in support of S. 1616, "The Biodiesel Promotion and Quality Assurance Act of 2007."
We urge you to send a letter and make a phone call to your U.S. Representative and both of your Senators, asking them to cosponsor H.R. 3781 or S. 1616.
Take action by clicking here
The legislation creates a minimum usage requirement for "biodiesel" and "bio-based replacement diesel" that scales up over time from 450 million gallons in 2008 to 1.25 billion gallons in 2012.
You can find out more information about the bill by reading this fact sheet. The full legislation can be reviewed with the links below: House version (H.R. 3781) - Senate version (S. 1616)
Congress is currently considering energy legislation, and as part of this discussion, there is bipartisan support of efforts to expand the Renewable Fuels Standard. Biodiesel can play a significant role in this effort, and creating a renewable requirement as part of the diesel fuel consumed in the U.S. – similar to the role ethanol plays with gasoline – is sound energy and environmental policy.
The time to act is now, please click here to send a letter to your elected officials in Washington
RELATED NEWS ARTICLE from Congressional Quarterly ( on progress being made on the Energy Bill is available here. Renewable Fuels Program is one of three items presently "off the table" for discussion.
WBA Expands Education & Outreach Effort
The Wisconsin Biodiesel Association expanded its Education and Outreach effort on Sunday with the publication of its first e-newsletter. This newsletter will be issued on a regular basis to provide updates about biodiesel activities and events in the state. In addition, latest headlines from the WBA News Service will be featured with links provided to the appropriate webpages.
Monday, October 8, 2007
WBA Board Member David Crass Appointed to CALS Board
From Wisconsin Ag Connection:
David Crass, Managing Partner of Michael Best & Friedrich's Madison office and Chair of the Firm's Agribusiness, Food Processing & Distribution practice group, has been selected to serve a four-year term on the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' Board of Visitors.
The board provides an important link between the agricultural, natural resources, life sciences and rural development communities and CALS. Selection to the Board of Visitors is among the highest forms of recognition offered by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Board members are selected by the Dean for exhibiting leadership in the agricultural field and showing commitment to the College.David Crass is a founding Board Member of the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
"Running on Fumes" Documentary
Jack LeFeber is a documentary film maker from Milwaukee. He is in production of a documentary film about renewable alternatives to oil entitled "Running on Fumes." A video trailer produced to promote the documentary can be seen here.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
"Wisconsin Counties Lead By Example" - WBA Invites Counties to Use Biodiesel
WISCONSIN DELLS, WI - October 2, 2007 -
Calling upon local governments to “lead by example,” the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association has reached out to the counties in an effort to expand distribution of biodiesel in Wisconsin.
WBA representatives will be on hand during the WI Counties Association Convention held Oct. 9 - 11th in Wisconsin Dells to encourage county governments to include biodiesel in their fuel networks.
WBA Press Release
WBA "Counties Lead By Example" Flyer