Friday, September 28, 2007

WBA issues a Legislative Action Alert

Nearly 50 were in attendance at the monthly meeting of the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association that was held Wednesday in Madison. It was an informative session including presentations focused upon "Wisconsin Biodiesel: Growing a Renewable Energy Industry."

The challenges that confront the biodiesel industry in Wisconsin were explored. Production and distribution of biodiesel, feedstock issues, and market development within the state were examined. John Wilson, lobbyist from Michael Best & Friedrich, talked about the items included in the legislative initiative that has been advanced by WBA, along with an explanation of the way in which passage of these budget items will address the concerns outlined.

It's now "crunch time" in the State Budget process. A WBA Legislative Action Alert has been issued that explains how you can most effectively contact your state legislator and the Governor's office to encourage their support for the biodiesel industry initiative in this budget. We encourage you to do so this week as budget deliberations in the Legislature's Joint Conference Committee show promise of soon coming to a close.

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