Friday, November 23, 2007

WBA participating in WI-DNR "Diesel Workgroup"

from the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association news service:
Curbing greenhouse gases and reducing pollution are the objectives of an industry workgroup convened within the state.

The Wisconsin Biodiesel Association is a participant in the workgroup formed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI-DNR). This group is a voluntary collaborative of different diesel fleets and fleet association representatives, vehicle and emission equipment manufacturers, and government agencies that all have an interest and stake in reducing mobile diesel emissions.

Strategies such as limiting engine idling through use of on-board gen-sets on commercial vehicles and other technologies are being explored, as is review of policies and practices within the transportation industry.

According to WBA President Jeff Pieterick, biodiesel has a clear role to play to meet the objectives of the workgroup. "Carbon reduction in our transportation fuels is becoming a priority for the public who are becoming increasingly alarmed about global warming." claims Pieterick. "Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is immediately available to make an impact by reducing the carbon footprint of our fuel while providing additional 'clean air' benefits.

"We welcome the opportunity to represent the state's biodiesel industry within this group of industry leaders concerned about the environment. It presents a terrific opportunity to introduce Wisconsin biodiesel to the end consumers and help promote biodiesel as an effective home grown fuel for a better Wisconsin."

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