Jeff Pieterick, President, WBA
from Wisconsin Biodiesel Association Newsletter
December 20, 2007
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- Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities”
Dickens’ assessment of the times leading to the French Revolution resonate still as the world confronts climate change and our need for renewable alternatives to fossil fuels. Foolishness and incredulity remain a concern, particularly when confronting those who insist that our present rates of energy consumption and carbon emissions are sustainable.
There is a great deal of activity in renewable energy and conservation that is nevertheless encouraging. In only one example, the Bali Summit offered a forum for world governments to effectively come together in tackling the important policy and investment decisions required to minimize our carbon emissions and gain energy independence.
In the spirit of the season, let’s look at other positive developments in the renewable energy arena that have gained momentum in 2007 sufficient to advance this effort into the New Year and beyond.